Welcome to the “behind flatspot-pictures” blog.
Contrary to what the name might let you predict, this is not a behind the scenes blog about some artist / art-project named “Flatspot-Pictures”.
It’s a tech-blog.
A tech-blog from a computer science student (I hope the super awesome blogpost-title let you guess this…) who incidentally is a photography and photoshop nut and does his art by name of Flatspot-Pictures.
To clarify: computer science student means, I am currently getting a degree in computer science at a university of applied sciences.
I created this blog because I wanted some place, where I feel home, to talk, rant and ramble about stuff that interests me in the tech-world
and also share some of my tech related projects that I do when not pretending to be an artist.
So that is pretty much what you can expect here.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see any artsy stuff here. But I don’t know for sure yet.
I’m relatively new to blogging myself, so please bear with me. It can only get better from here.